Professor Chad Urban

Mr. Urban is a recovering attorney and former reservist of the U.S. Army Reserve. After serving as an adjudicator in Workers Compensation, he transitioned into higher education, serving as the Dean of General Education at Virginia College.

Mr. Urban began with ACBA in 2012 and has served the college in myriad ways. He began by designing & coding the College’s academic records database. Following this, he transitioned into the role of both the Registrar and Financial Aid Director for the College. After developing both of these departments, he was promoted into a managerial role overseeing the College's budgetary process and Veterans Affairs. Today he continues to wear many hats at ACBA, including serving as its Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Technology Officer. He also serves as the Veterans Administration’s school certifying official. Finally, he serves as the lead on the College's compliance reporting requirements across areas such as accreditation, Title IV, Clery Act, and many others.

All the while, he has served as an adjunct professor for numerous courses including our math sequence, accounting courses, management, leadership, and a philosophy seminar.